2 official photographers took,
806 photographs..this is including the
18 #hemediswag ones;
of 553 people watching a fun mix of performances that included
1 band made up of,
4 guys,
1 of whom played the Violin! and
1 poet in a blue dress....
They also ate,
33 sausages
40 plates of fries, 20 pieces of chicken
and still had room to drink
12 vanilla milk shakes
30 pairs of earings,
5 very cool white kinanda tshirts by worn by #teamkinanda.....
1 ipad allowed
100 coffees 15 lemonades and 186 sodas....
We bought 2 newspapers to check on Kenya Power's notices, but though there were none
5 power blackouts occured but we had
2 generators
that saved the day!
10 chillimango tshirts,
4 bracelets found new owners as well as
16 photos were showcased in the gallery with mwarv,
1 Hugh Masekela print from this collection was bought by
Blinky Bill!
3 teamkinanandites invite
70 new guests into our Family making, the
7th edition of the Nairobi Kinanda Festival the best yet.